
Many of the plants we grew last term are growing fast.  In school we will be focusing on measure, using some of the plants to help us.  Please take part in the lessons below to support your learning in this area at home.
The text that will be supporting our learning in school is 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'.  You can listen to somebody telling you this story by following the link.  Talk to your grown-up about what you liked and disliked about the story.
Perhaps you could draw and write about one new thing that happened to Stanley from your imagination.  Remember it's always a good idea to talk about your ideas with somebody first.
Understanding the World
Our project for this half term is called 'Save Our Seas!'.  To start it off we will be sharing all that we already know about the under world on our planet.  Maybe you could draw and write some different facts that you know about the wildlife that lives in our seas.  You could choose your favourite sealife animal and make a book about it.
Enjoy sharing stories together each day. Please remember to ask you child questions to check their understanding of a text.
Find the links for online reading resources below and select a book at your child's book band level, which will be red (beginning to read sentences) or yellow (developing fluency). Do email your child's teacher if you need advice.
Physical Development
While you are at home it is important to stay active and keep moving.  Below are some links to help you do just that.  
Texture Bag
Put a selection of objects with different shapes and textures into a bag. Get the children to take turns putting their hands in, feeling one of the objects and describing it to the others (without looking at it) in as much detail as possible.
Expressive Art & Design
Create your own underwater art.  It could be a drawing, a model or some natrual art using water. It could be something bigger!  Perhaps you have some bed sheets or towels that you caould use to make a watery world at home...