What to do if your child has a medical condition

What to do if your child has a medical condition

Please let us know if your child has a medical condition. We work collaboratively with you and any relevant professionals to fully support your child with their medical needs to ensure they can thrive and succeed at school. This collaboration ensures there are clear communication channels and that accurate and up-to-date information about a student's medical condition is shared, enabling the school to provide appropriate support.

On the website policy page you will find useful policies that relate to medical needs:

  • Federation Managing Medical Conditions Policy
  • Administration of Medication Policy
  • Attendance Policy.


The school Medical Needs Register

We hold a school Medical Needs Register. This is a register of individual pupil’s medical needs in each class group and is updated regularly and shared with relevant school staff. Your child may need to be on this register on an ongoing basis or be included for a short-term condition. We also hold an Asthma Register. If your child has asthma, please ensure you let us know and also whether they require their inhaler in school. We update these registers via consultation with parents and through annual data collection forms sent to parents which help us keep your child’s details up to date.


Taking medication in school

If your child needs to take or hold medication in school to support them with their short term or long-term condition, please download a Medication Permission Form (available at the bottom of this page) for your child to use their medication in school. Medication can only be administered in line with school policy. Please hand this completed form along with your child’s labelled medication to the school office. We would be grateful if this is not handed to the class teacher during busy start and end of day routines.


Individual Health Care Plans

Some health conditions will require an NHS Individual Health Care Plan to be established by your child’s health professional. Where this is in place, we will work with you to manage your child’s condition in line with their plan. Where appropriate, staff will be trained to support your child’s medical needs. We may also develop a school management plan for example, to timetable diabetes checks and identify clearly who the team around that child would be.

Where a child has a medical condition but no NHS plan, we will discuss this with you and agree whether a school Individual Health Care Plan is appropriate. This will consider your child’s wellbeing, their symptoms and triggers, what an emergency might look like and how we can support your child on a daily basis and also in an emergency. It will also include emergency contact details and appropriate medications.

Where an Individual Health Care Plan in in place this will be shared on with relevant school staff members to ensure timely and appropriate care is in place. Health Care Plans will be regularly reviewed with parents and relevant health care professionals.


Who to contact for more information.

If you have any questions or want to discuss your child’s medical needs, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or contact ali.king@stokehill.devon.sch.uk