At the Junior School will be using Google Classroom as our online learning platform in the event of a school closure.
This is familiar to the children and they use it regularly in school in their classrooms.
Please open the link below to show you how to access it at home.
If you have any problems, please contact your child's teacher through
You may wish to try one of the activities below that are all linked to the learning from the Spring Term.
Design and Technology
Following our DT Curriculum Day, where our focus was structures, you could have a go at any of the following,
1) Research a famous structure e.g. The Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House or Exeter Cathedral and explain to somebody why they should visit this structure.
2) Have a go at using different materials to make a well known structure.
3) Design your own structure using Tinkercad. Just click on the link and sign up to an account
Below are some links to help keep your child moving.
Have a look at the area that you live in. We call this a local study. What can you find out about the city of Exeter? What is the river called? How does it form? Maybe look a bit closer to home and the names of roads, are there any connections? Choose any other things of interest about the area you're proud to call home.
We have been looking at solids, liquids and gases. Where can you find these around your houses? How does a solid change to a liquid and to a gas and back again. Can you design an experiment to show how this happens?