Welcome to the Remote Learning page for the
Remote Learning for Block 2
 Suggested daily timetable
This term we will be starting a brand new project all about Jack and the Beanstalk.  Please share the pictures and read the stpry in the link below.  What do they say about it?  Write down any words theynuse to describe them.
Encourage them to draw their favourite character and label it.  I
Phonics Play are continuing to offer some of their resources for free on their website.  You do not need to sign up for an account but can just follow the link below.
There are some suggested links below or you can explore the website with your child, using the Phase 1 and Phase 2 pages.
Remember you can also use your child's 'Education City' login.
We are learning about number facts this week.  We will be learning about doubles.  Below are some game sthat will help your child with this.
 Sensory Breaks
Try to have at least two sensory breaks each day. 
Here are two ideas for this week:
  • Build a 'soft' dinosaur using pillows, cushions, towels and sheets.  How tall can you make it?  How many puses does it take to knock it over?
  • Try out the 'dino dance' using the link below.
Communication and Interaction
Read a book together and listen to what yor child is interested in.  Talk about what they can see and what is happening in the story.
Set up some role play for your child, choose their favourite kind.  It might be a shop or a police car, a tea party or a cafe.  Find time to play alongside them each day.
Fine Motor
Have some developing those fine motor skills by drawing and cutting this week!  
Let your child help you to prepare lunch each day.  They could help with spreading or cutting fruit or vegetables to go with thier lunch.
Spend some time drawing together.  Teach your child how to draw different shapes.  Can they then fill those shapes with controlled line drawing?  See the images below for support.